Happy 6th Birthday Martial Vitality


Today, 18 January 2022, the Martial Vitality project is six years old. I started it as the Rejoining the Tao blog in January 2016. The Martial Vitality brand arrived later, when I was considering open a school. I consolidated both projects under the Martial Vitality name in July 2020

Martial Vitality captures what I find interesting about martial arts, outside of martial arts history. For example, the #martialartstechniqueoftheday from my Instagram account shares images of techniques, generally from very old grappling texts. If you prefer Twitter or Facebook I post using the same hashtags there.

In my last post I wrote that I Am Indeed Recovering from Shoulder Surgery. Due to the pandemic I have not trained since March 2020. I am considering whether or not to return to jiu-jitsu. Since the pandemic started, my school closed and reopened under new management and trainers, and in a new location. Some of my favorite instructors from my previous gym have moved even farther from my home, to the point where it would be roughly an hour commute each way to train with them.

I'm considering looking at other options as well. It might be cool to study Tai Chi again. The U.S. Wushu Academy in Fairfax, VA looks legitimate. I might also look at Capital Kunst des Fechtens. They offer an introduction to German longsword class that could be fun. I did something similar with Kendo in 2017. While I didn't continue Kendo past the 8 weeks of introductory classes, I'm glad I gave it a try.

For now I plan to continue posting to the Martial Vitality social media accounts and working on my main hobby project, Marital History Team. I hope you are doing well and that you are coping with the pandemic as best you can.


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