Retiring from Martial Arts, For Now at Least


I've decided to retire from martial arts, for now at least. I started this social media presence in January 2016, so the seven year journey is now concluded.

I took my last BJJ class in March 2020, as Covid-19 was first surging in the US. I injured my back in that session, and my left arm and shoulder had been bothering me for months. I figured some time off might help anyway.

In April 2021, after getting my first two vaccinations, I had another round of shoulder surgery. The rotator cuff fix combined with a bicep repair was worse than my previous three shoulder surgeries. It took about a year to return to a relatively pain-free life, even with diligent physical therapy and care.

I originally had a goal of staying with BJJ for the long haul in order to earn a black belt. Given that it took me 2 1/2 years to pass my blue belt test, I had many years ahead of me, even before Covid hit. 

I think of earning my blue belt as one of the five toughest physical challenges I've faced. Earning my Krav Maga G1 rank, many aspects of my United States Air Force Academy cadet experience, and two years of high school cross country and track are the others that come to mind.

I turned 51 this year, and I've enjoyed not being in various states of disrepair due to BJJ training. Instead of rolling, I walk for 45-75 minutes every day, a routine I've practiced since July 2020. I've only missed a few days in 2 1/2 years.

I've considered finding another art. At this stage in my life, though, I've tried over a dozen styles: Karate, boxing, Judo, combatives, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Tae Kwon Do, Filipino stick and knife fighting, Wing Tsun, American Kenpo Karate, kickboxing, Kendo, Krav Maga, Shuai Jiao, and BJJ. That might be enough!

At this point I plan to stay open to opportunities but to not specifically seek anything out. I remain interested in HEMA but I'm not seeking out classes.

I will likely not be posting on social media accounts tied to this identity in the foreseeable future. 

I plan to continue the Martial History Team project through at least June 2025.

I wish everyone good luck with their journeys in 2023 and beyond.


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