I Am Indeed Recovering from Shoulder Surgery

I wanted to share in a quick post that I am indeed recovering from shoulder surgery! In my last note I said that I had a rotator cuff and bicep tear repair operation on April 27, 2021. 

The first month after the operation were much tougher than I expected, probably due to the bicep tear complication. I had a very difficult time sleeping and managing pain. I did not experience much of any relief until the 5th week, at the beginning of June. Since then I have made great strides. My physical therapy has been extremely helpful, although I've had a few setbacks.

I had hoped to return to jiu-jitsu in the fall, but I doubt I will do that due to the delta and other Covid variants. I am immuno-compromised, so although I am fully vaccinated I am at risk for a breakthrough infection.

This is disappointing, but I started a new routine of watching a martial arts (usually jiu-jitsu or judo) instructional video every day. Check out Instagram or Facebook or Twitter for more. 


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