Happy 5th Birthday Martial Vitality


Today, 18 January 2021, the Martial Vitality project is five years old. I started it as the Rejoining the Tao blog in January 2016. The Martial Vitality brand arrived later, when I was considering open a school. I consolidated both projects under the Martial Vitality name in July 2020

Martial Vitality captures what I find interesting about martial arts, outside of martial arts history. For example, the #martialartstechniqueoftheday from my Instagram account shares images of techniques, generally from very old grappling texts. If you prefer Twitter or Facebook I post using the same hashtags there.

Currently I'm on the 18th day of my 90DayswithDanaher project, where I watch one John Danaher instructional video each day. I started the month with his Solo Drills series and continued with volume 1 of Feet to Floor. I'm watching the second volume of Feet to Floor now.

You might also want to check out my sister projects Martial History Team and Sourcing Bruce Lee

Finally, I'm looking forward to returning to training this year. I remain hopeful.


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